Welcome to this page where you can find a listing of all our services.
We make the well-being of you and/or your animal our daily priority!
The services we provide include:
We suggest you an individualized and holistic approach, starting from your worries or questions, we propose an accompaniment for you, your animal or the both of you.
Please read what we can offer you and do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, we'd gladly discuss the posibilities, and would love to meet you!
The services we provide include:
- energy healing and reading (= works on both physical and emotional level. often it also has an influence on behaviour. )
- animal communication (= intuitive dialogue concerning a certain theme, questions, message,...)
- Fascia-support (= mobilising the fascia of the horse by using bodywork-techniques, for obtaining suppleness, hydration and relaxation)
- Equine iridolgy,
- Energetic cleansing of places.
- workshops, online webinars, introduction days....
We suggest you an individualized and holistic approach, starting from your worries or questions, we propose an accompaniment for you, your animal or the both of you.
Please read what we can offer you and do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, we'd gladly discuss the posibilities, and would love to meet you!
Energy healing/reading

During an energy healing session, we get in touch with the body and soul in order to obtain a complete image of the strenghts and weaknesses, as well on the physical, mental as the emotional level.
By including Chakras and meridians, both valuable and precise energetic charts of the body (both animal and human body), we take into account their disbalances and/or disfunctions, thus being able to harmonise, balance, and reboot the present energies.
In order to do this, we developped our own techniques built out of different tools such as reiki, Chakra-therapy, Kinesiology, Sjamanism, Body Scan, intuïtive communication etcetera.
This procedures are used for both humans and animals. Off course, in case of animals, we take care to verify the animal is willing to communicate and to receive the healing energy provided.
A detailed report of the session of your animal will be sent to you by mail in 2 working days (unless exceptional circumstances arise)
By including Chakras and meridians, both valuable and precise energetic charts of the body (both animal and human body), we take into account their disbalances and/or disfunctions, thus being able to harmonise, balance, and reboot the present energies.
In order to do this, we developped our own techniques built out of different tools such as reiki, Chakra-therapy, Kinesiology, Sjamanism, Body Scan, intuïtive communication etcetera.
This procedures are used for both humans and animals. Off course, in case of animals, we take care to verify the animal is willing to communicate and to receive the healing energy provided.
A detailed report of the session of your animal will be sent to you by mail in 2 working days (unless exceptional circumstances arise)
Animal communication

You are questioning yourself about your animal companion? You would like to give him a message or ask him a question, but you don't know how?
Animal Communication could be an answer.
In respect, and with a lot of patience and softness, we contact your animal (if he/she allows) and give him or her the time and space to express himself. Afterwards we can ask your questions or pass your message.
During the time of the communication (which is always distant) you do not have to do anything in particular. Just let your companion be so he/she has the possibility to be 'open to receive'.
Animal communication is always done distantly (by photo), however you as an owner decide the theme of your question or message, it is the animal who will direct the 'conversation'.
To be able to do the communication, we will need 2 photographs of your animal, without any other animal or people in the picture and as recent as possible :
· one photo from the side.
· one photo of the front with the eyes visible.
A report of the communication will be sent by you by e-mail in 2 working days (unless exceptional circumstances arise).
Animal Communication could be an answer.
In respect, and with a lot of patience and softness, we contact your animal (if he/she allows) and give him or her the time and space to express himself. Afterwards we can ask your questions or pass your message.
During the time of the communication (which is always distant) you do not have to do anything in particular. Just let your companion be so he/she has the possibility to be 'open to receive'.
Animal communication is always done distantly (by photo), however you as an owner decide the theme of your question or message, it is the animal who will direct the 'conversation'.
To be able to do the communication, we will need 2 photographs of your animal, without any other animal or people in the picture and as recent as possible :
· one photo from the side.
· one photo of the front with the eyes visible.
A report of the communication will be sent by you by e-mail in 2 working days (unless exceptional circumstances arise).
Fascia Support (for horses)

Fascia are the membranes in our body, which consist of different types of fibres, and connect bones, organs, tendons etc... the whole structural anatomy and tensegrity which allows us to stand up, to walk and to move around (this both in animal and human). As this structure of fascia isn't 'rigid' and has no pre-dispositioned form, it allows us to move in different directions with suppleness.
Fascia are very sensible to choc (both physical and emotional), bad posture or wrong mouvement. Fascia can contract and when in stress they can become rigid instead of hydrated and supple, that's the point where they contract, resist and cause trouble in the body; the fascia creates more tension, more pain, more stiffness... the long-term consequences are variable.
Fascia-support, based on the eYo-Fascia Fitness method, is the application of several bodywork-techniques for mobilizing, rehadrating and stimulating the reactivity from your horses Fascia. In the end the goals is to enhance its proprioception, diminish any chronic pain and most of all reaching a state of relaxation and supleness, diminishing any nervousness or anxiety.
A Fascia-support session is always done on the horse and takes about 60 minutes '(varying from horse to horse as it is de goal to give him a moment of relaxation)
We work the superficial fascia, meaning our service does not replace a massage, physisist or osteopaths intervention. .
*Fascia support does not replace a medical diagnostic or treatment, nor a osteopathic treatment or follow-up.
Fascia are very sensible to choc (both physical and emotional), bad posture or wrong mouvement. Fascia can contract and when in stress they can become rigid instead of hydrated and supple, that's the point where they contract, resist and cause trouble in the body; the fascia creates more tension, more pain, more stiffness... the long-term consequences are variable.
Fascia-support, based on the eYo-Fascia Fitness method, is the application of several bodywork-techniques for mobilizing, rehadrating and stimulating the reactivity from your horses Fascia. In the end the goals is to enhance its proprioception, diminish any chronic pain and most of all reaching a state of relaxation and supleness, diminishing any nervousness or anxiety.
A Fascia-support session is always done on the horse and takes about 60 minutes '(varying from horse to horse as it is de goal to give him a moment of relaxation)
We work the superficial fascia, meaning our service does not replace a massage, physisist or osteopaths intervention. .
*Fascia support does not replace a medical diagnostic or treatment, nor a osteopathic treatment or follow-up.
Equine Iridology

What is it?
Equine iridology is the study of the eye of the horse. This technique consists of analysing the imprints of the body on the different zones in the eye, corresponding with different organs or zones of the body, indicating pressure.
This hollistic and non-invasive approach provides a 'map' into the horses body, to identify hereditary traits, digestif or hormonal issues, ancient trauma, mineral imbalance, and more....
In other words, an iridology-analysis can give you an impression of how your horse was doing yesterday, how he is doing today and how he will be doing tomorrow, as the eye doesn't only reflect the present, but can also give indications of past and future issues.
Additionally, it is an instrument for prevention, indicating weaknesses long before a certain pathology would be installed.
What is it's use?
- Optimizing the living conditions of your horse (training, feeding,...)
- Anticipaging troubles and/or trauma
- Knowing the hereditary predispositions (as from the age of 6 weeks)
- Detecting possible old traumatisms, getting an idea of temperament and constitution (pre-purchase)
- Complementing a veterinary diagnosis when there is confusion on the origin of the symptoms
How does it work?
1/ We make an appointment for meeting your horse
2/ we provide a questionnaire via mail (to return during the appointment)
3/ we take the photographs of your horses eye
4/ we analyse the photographs
5/ we send you the analysis per mail (If necessary we can do a video-call to talk about the findings)
Equine iridology is the study of the eye of the horse. This technique consists of analysing the imprints of the body on the different zones in the eye, corresponding with different organs or zones of the body, indicating pressure.
This hollistic and non-invasive approach provides a 'map' into the horses body, to identify hereditary traits, digestif or hormonal issues, ancient trauma, mineral imbalance, and more....
In other words, an iridology-analysis can give you an impression of how your horse was doing yesterday, how he is doing today and how he will be doing tomorrow, as the eye doesn't only reflect the present, but can also give indications of past and future issues.
Additionally, it is an instrument for prevention, indicating weaknesses long before a certain pathology would be installed.
What is it's use?
- Optimizing the living conditions of your horse (training, feeding,...)
- Anticipaging troubles and/or trauma
- Knowing the hereditary predispositions (as from the age of 6 weeks)
- Detecting possible old traumatisms, getting an idea of temperament and constitution (pre-purchase)
- Complementing a veterinary diagnosis when there is confusion on the origin of the symptoms
How does it work?
1/ We make an appointment for meeting your horse
2/ we provide a questionnaire via mail (to return during the appointment)
3/ we take the photographs of your horses eye
4/ we analyse the photographs
5/ we send you the analysis per mail (If necessary we can do a video-call to talk about the findings)
Energetic cleansing of places

Does your house give you an uncomfortable feeling, like you feel stressed or looked at in certain places.
Do you have the feeling something is blocking you in your projects or daily life.
Is your animal easily frightened or startled in certain places for no obvious reason? (stable, house, shed,...)
This could mean there are some energies hanging around and your property needs cleansing.
A house, like every other building, takes on energies during time, wheter it be emotions of certain events, family energies or visitors... In the same way your property/ground undergoes energetic changes due to changes in climate, in waterflows, even during history.
The day of appointment we observe, analyse and cleanse the property to restore energetic balance.
Do you have the feeling something is blocking you in your projects or daily life.
Is your animal easily frightened or startled in certain places for no obvious reason? (stable, house, shed,...)
This could mean there are some energies hanging around and your property needs cleansing.
A house, like every other building, takes on energies during time, wheter it be emotions of certain events, family energies or visitors... In the same way your property/ground undergoes energetic changes due to changes in climate, in waterflows, even during history.
The day of appointment we observe, analyse and cleanse the property to restore energetic balance.
Extra activities (workshops, meditation, webinar...)
Terre d'Esprits occasionaly organises other activities:
> Follow us on Facebook and/or instagram to get informed about these extra's.. .
- introduction sessions in energetic healing, in partnership with local petshops, doggroomers, and others
- online workshops
- in-person workshops
- and more to come...
> Follow us on Facebook and/or instagram to get informed about these extra's.. .
Our prices our listed on the page 'tarifs'
**The accompaniment of Terre d'Esprits does not replace, in any case, a medical diagnose or follow-up.